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Energy and Resource Saving at WELTE

The trainees at Welte Rohrbiegetechnik GmbH and Welte Cardan-Service GmbH were given the opportunity to learn more about energy and resources. This involved an IHK workshop with a project work afterwards.

The trainees learned the basics about energy and resources. In addition, presentation techniques were discussed. Subsequently, the projects were worked out in several groups and presented to the press, management and IHK on 17 March 2022.

A two-day workshop was held in November 2021 to have an ideal start into the project work. The focus on the first day was on energy and resource use in everyday life. Many frightening details about the finiteness of resources got to be known and their costs were prepared. The second day was more concerned with the trainees themselves: Which information can I trust? How do I present my project in the most convincing way? After these important insights, the trainees' creativity was called for. They had to come up with a project that could help the company save energy and resources. During three months the trainees were accompanied and supported by their trainers and other employees. A total of six projects found their way to the presentation.


The first project is about solar thermal energy, which could be used in Welte's pipe bending technology. Thereby solar energy is converted into thermal energy, for example for hot water.

The greening of a roof at a new building at Welte Cardan-Service is the project of the second group. A green roof has many advantages, for example thermal insulation in winter, but also cooling of the house in summer. In addition biodiversity can be supported in this way, while dust and CO2 are filtered out of the air at the same time.

Furthermore, a third group reports on the positive effects of plants in working spaces. Especially in offices and warehouses can small and large plants reduce stress and keep the air clean.

Another group discusses the recycling of wooden pallets that can no longer be used. On the one hand, these could be sawn into individual pieces and prepared for resale. Furthermore, the wood could be processed in such a way that it could be used to make key rings as gifts for customers. The pallets could also be used to make furnitures, such as tables and lounges for employees.

The fifth group dealt with people as a resource and created a model for an outdoor break area with a roof and beautiful flower and tree decorations.

Finally, one group focused on paper consumption. This could be reduced considerably, especially in the area of order assembly by using scanners. As a positive side effect, printer ink and electricity could also be saved.

The managing directors, trainers, IHK and the press were extremely enthusiastic about the projects and the commitment of the trainees. They will meet with the responsible persons in the near future to discuss whether their projects have a future.